Rising Above OCD and Anxiety | Jill's Story

Jill says she always had anxious tendencies, but she lacked the language to talk about it. As she got older, intrusive thoughts were becoming too overwhelming to deal with.

“It’s amazing how much one’s own brain can get in the way when there is disordered thinking,” says Jill.

Jill was taken aback when the psychiatric nurse practitioner she was working with recommended she seek treatment at Rogers for OCD. “I was like many other people in the world who have a complete misunderstanding of what obsessive compulsive disorder is,” she shares.

Jill went to Rogers in Nashville, Tennessee and when her therapist realized she needed a higher level of care, Jill hesitantly agreed to go to residential treatment in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin for OCD. It’s there that Jill learned how to change her negative self-talk and sit with her fears.

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