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Insurance Pricing Calculator


At Rogers Behavioral Health, we believe understanding what your care will cost is important. To help you make an informed decision, we have provided pricing resources to help you estimate your out-of-pocket costs.

Our self-service insurance pricing calculator allows you to receive a full-service price estimate for your out-of-pocket costs based on your insurance, level of care, and location.

Have Medicaid or Medicare? Estimates for these plans are handled differently depending on the type of care and the location where a patient receives treatment.

For patients with Medicaid – Please contact the Rogers location where you or a loved one will receive treatment for questions regarding this insurance type.

For patients with Medicare – Please use the out-of-pocket cost estimator provided by Medicare.

For patients without insurance – Request a good faith estimate before starting treatment.

Start Your Estimate with Our Insurance Pricing Calculator

Fill out 5-8 short questions on our insurance pricing calculator to get your estimate. Our insurance pricing tool is here to help.

Start Your Estimate

Fill out 5-8 short questions to get your estimate.

General Information


Condition Info
For any questions about services provided, please contact the location where you are seeking services or visit the program directory.


Not all programs are available at all locations.

Level of care

Not all levels of care are available at all locations for all insurance companies.

Level of care info
At Rogers, inpatient care is our highest level of treatment, offered to individuals who are in need of emergent care, around-the-clock observation, or stabilization during an acute episode.

Residential treatment means an individual voluntarily lives on campus during their entire treatment stay and receives intensive programming in the same facility. The length of stay typically lasts 30 to 90 days.

In our partial hospitalization care, patients participate in programming 6 hours per day, 5 days per week on average.

In intensive outpatient care, patients participate in treatment 3 hours per day, 5 days per week on average.

TMS is an FDA-approved treatment technique for those struggling with major depressive disorder (MDD). A typical treatment plan involves sessions that take under 20 minutes, five days a week for four to six weeks, totaling to about 30 sessions.

Learn more about levels of care at Rogers


Age Info
Adults are those ages 18 and older. Generally in Rogers treatment programs, adolescents are considered ages 12 to 17; children are considered ages 6 to 11; although some locations may have slightly different age parameters.

Insurance Information

Insurance Company


Coinsurance Info
Your percentage share of the costs of a covered healthcare service. This (for example, 20 percent) is based on the allowed amount for service. You pay coinsurance plus any deductibles you owe. For example, if the health plan's allowed amount for an office visit is $100 and you've met your deductible, your coinsurance payment of 20 percent would be $20.


Copay Info
A fixed amount (for example $15) you pay for a covered healthcare service, usually when you get the service. This is usually a daily rate.

Remaining Deductible

Deductible Info
The amount you are expected to pay for healthcare services your health plan covers before your health plan begins to pay. For example if your deductible is $1,000, your plan won't pay anything until you've met your $1,000 deductible for covered healthcare services subject to the deductible. The remaining deductible would be the amount you have left to pay this year before your health plan begins to pay.


Your Estimate

Estimated Out-of-Pocket Expenses

Calculated based on cost of service and selected insurance information. If you have already met or will meet your out-of-pocket maximum benefit, your estimated out-of-pocket amount will be less.

Insurance Company
Remaining Deductible

Understand Your Insurance Coverage

Need more help? An excellent resource for understanding healthcare billing is the patient-friendly Consumer Guide to Understanding Healthcare Prices, created by the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA).

Good Faith Estimate

Healthcare providers are required to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services.

You have the right to receive a good faith estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. This includes related costs like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees.

Make sure your healthcare provider gives you a good faith estimate in writing at least one business day before your medical service or item. You can also ask for a good faith estimate before you schedule an item or service.

If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your good faith estimate, you can dispute the bill.

Make sure to save a copy or picture of your good faith estimate.

For questions or more information about your right to a good faith estimate, visit or call Rogers Admissions Department at 833.308.5887.

Disclaimers and Other Information

Rates Updated 1/19/24

DisclaimerYou, as the patient, are responsible for the cost of services not covered by your insurance company. It is recommended you consult your insurance company prior to any admission to understand what is covered, that the services provided are in network, and any limitations that may apply to your coverage plan.

The costs provided in this tool are estimates only and are not a guarantee of charges or benefits. The estimate is based on your insurance company’s average allowable amount at Rogers for the previous fiscal year. Your actual cost may be higher or lower than the estimate provided for various reasons including, but not limited to:

Your unique treatment and the decisions made by you or your healthcare provider regarding the services you will receive or length of stay.

The services received vary from the services selected during this estimate process.

Your year-to-date benefit information changes between the time you received this estimate and the time you receive care.

Rogers’ contract with your health insurance company changes.

This estimate does not include lab or pharmacy charges in our outpatient settings. There may be additional charges to address unknown or unexpected conditions that emerge while receiving care. Information provided on this site does not guarantee eligibility, coverage, or payment by your insurance company. Neither does it determine or guarantee the benefits, limitations, or exclusions of your coverage. For a complete description of the details of your coverage, please refer to the information provided by your health insurance company. If you have a secondary health insurance company, please refer to the benefits offered to understand how much of this estimate will be your responsibility.

This cost estimation tool may not represent all services offered by Rogers. For employers, providers, and developers: A comprehensive machine-readable file of Rogers charges and negotiated rates is here. If you have any questions about services provided, please contact Admissions at 833.308.5887.

Call Rogers Today for Help

We want you to have access to life-changing behavioral healthcare when you need it. It’s our goal to help you through the billing and insurance process as best as possible. If you are not yet a current patient at Rogers and are worried about how you’re going to cover the cost of treatment, please contact admissions at 833.308.5887. We can help you determine insurance benefits, and you may qualify for discounted costs based on financial need.

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