Rising Above OCD from a LGBTQ+ Perspective | Angelina's Story

While mental health is an important topic that deserves increased awareness in all communities, the LGBTQ+ community is experiencing an especially large number of individuals dealing with mental health struggles. In fact, studies show that adults who identify as LGBTQ+ are more than twice as likely as the rest of the population to face a mental health condition.

As the mental health community continues to improve access to care for all people, Rogers creates an environment of acceptance for potential patients from the very beginning. When patients begin their telephone screening, they are asked their gender identity, preferred name, and preferred pronouns so staff may address them correctly. Throughout treatment, staff seek to understand their patients' life experiences to ensure that they feel heard and validated.

While the field has made strides to reach all who are affected by mental health concerns, there is still a need to raise awareness and reduce stigma around receiving mental healthcare in all populations.

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Call 800-767-4411 or go to rogersbh.org to request a free screening.