Recognize a nurse for The DAISY Award

Do you know a nurse who goes above and beyond? Consider nominating them for a DAISY Award! This international recognition program honors and celebrates the skillful, compassionate care nurses provide every day.

A DAISY Award is given to a nurse who:

  • Demonstrates acts of kindness and sensitivity to our patients every day
  • Exemplifies empathy and integrity in every situation

Submit a DAISY Award nomination

Please see a sample nomination from another organization below.


Thank you for nominating a Rogers nurse for this award. Please tell us about yourself below.

Note that you can request at any point that content be removed from our website or social media channels by notifying Rogers via email at or mailing Marketing at Rogers Behavioral Health, 34700 Valley Road, Oconomowoc, WI 53066.

Sample nomination

“This is not the first facility that I have been to, and I can tell you that this place is special. When I got admitted here, I was in a very bad place emotionally and mentally. I was terrified and didn’t want to be there. After a few minutes, Donna walked into my room. She immediately made eye contact with me and told me that she knew this wasn’t easy for me, but that she was going to stick with me and get me all of the help that I needed. She wasn’t kidding. That first conversation changed my life. She didn’t talk about my problems or why I was there right away. She asked about me. Nobody has asked about me in a long time. I felt like I had a friend. She wanted to learn about my life and family so that she could get to know me. She made me feel safe and cared for. I’ve had good days and some pretty bad days here, but any time she is my nurse, I know it’s gonna be a better day. Because she gave me that initial sense of security, I think I had an easier time going through therapy and group while I was in the hospital. I hope someday to change someone’s life like Donna changed mine. Nurses make a difference and Donna is one of life’s angels.”

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