
Rogers Behavioral Health is a private, not-for-profit leader in the treatment of mental health and addiction issues. A leading provider of care in its home state of Wisconsin with services now extending into ten states, Rogers provides a unique blend of specialty behavioral health care with specific strengths in obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety, eating disorders, mood disorders, addiction and trauma (posttraumatic stress disorder) in multiple levels of care for children, teens and adults. Our experts include leaders who have been featured locally, regionally and nationally discussing treatment for mental health and addiction, policy, outcomes and reducing stigma. 

Studies show that nearly one-third of alcohol users and half of drug users also have a mental illness. To effectively treat both addiction and co-occurring disorders at once, Rogers looks at patients…
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If a friend or loved one tells you they’ve been in treatment for mental health or addiction, you may be wondering about the best way to respond. Rogers' Sue McKenzie Dicks, vice president of healthy…
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Stephanie says she has struggled with mental health her entire life along with her older brother who died by suicide. She was in and out of outpatient therapy and thought she had things under control…
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Through his hard work and dedication, Dr. Brian Kay helped transform outcomes at Rogers and his own career. Dr. Kay would go from intern to residential counselor, behavior specialist, director of…
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The holidays can be a difficult time of year. To help ease these struggles, the Ronald McDonald Family Room is bringing the holiday spirit to families of those in treatment.
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Media inquiries

Rogers Behavioral Health strives to be responsive to requests from media while adhering to hospital policy and HIPAA guidelines on patient privacy and confidentiality. 

For interview requests or media inquiries on topics of interest in behavioral health at any Rogers Behavioral Health location, please email

You may also contact:

Anne Ballentine, vice president, Marketing and Communications, at or 262-395-5546.

Maddy O’Neill, Communications and PR Lead, at or 262-599-4542.



All reporters, film crews, producers and photographers on site at any Rogers Behavioral Health site need to be escorted by a Rogers marketing representative or designee. 

Any inquiries regarding patients must be directed to the Marketing and Communications departments. However, in accordance with patient privacy and confidentiality, Rogers will neither confirm nor deny the status of any current or former patients. 

Patients in treatment are generally not available for interviews. Should a past patient agree to a media interview which Rogers’ coordinates, he or she must first sign an authorization form for Marketing and Communications departments representatives to ensure compliance with HIPAA.  

Call 800-767-4411 or go to to request a free screening.