Emotional Dysregulation Proven Outcomes
Nashotah Center for DBT Adolescent Residential Care at Rogers
For teens who may have difficulty regulating their emotions, who are experiencing severe depression, or who might be at risk for self-harm or have attempted suicide, Rogers' Nashotah Center for DBT Adolescent Residential Care may be the right place. Learn more.
Adolescent residential outcomes
From August of 2015 until February 2020, 201 adolescents admitted to our residential care completed measures at both admission and discharge. The mean age was 16 years (SD=1.05).
Difficulties in Emotional Regulation Scale (DERS)-Strategies
The Difficulties in Emotional Regulation Scale (DERS)-Strategies is a valid, widely used scale which measures emotional regulation deficits. The scale is composed by six subscales; clarity, nonacceptance, awareness, goals, impulsivity, strategies. One aspect of the assessment measures the patients’ belief that the strategies and skills they learn in treatment will help them cope with harmful behavior. The lower the score indicates more confidence in these treatment acquired skills. The graph reflects the change in the DERS strategy assessment from admission to discharge.
At time of residential care admission, individuals reported less confidence that treatment will help them cope with harmful behavior, as measured by the DERS-Strategies (m= 28.6, SD=6.6); at time of discharge, individuals reported more confidence in these treatment acquired skills (m= 89.7, SD=14.8). Utilizing paired sample t-tests, we find that these differences are statistically significant at the p< .001.
Pediatric Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (PQ-LES-Q)
The Pediatric Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire measures the overall enjoyment and satisfaction an individual experiences across a number of life domains such as family relationships, work, and hobbies, etc. Emotional dysregulation often decrease a person’s overall quality of life. Our goal is to improve the quality of life for those we treat. A higher score at discharge indicates a higher quality of life.
Additionally, patients have statistical improvements in quality of life, measured by the PQ-LES-Q-SF. Patients admitted with a poor to fair quality of life (m=46.6, SD=14.2), and discharged with a fair to good quality of life (m=68.9, SD=15.2). This is significant at the p<.001.
Though there is not an industry standard for interpreting score results, Rogers uses the following categories to evaluate our patients’ assessment of their quality of life:
- 80 - very good
- 64 - good
- 48 - fair
- 32 - poor
- 16 - very poor
Gratz, K. L., & Roemer, L. (2004). Multidimensional assessment of emotion regulation and dysregulation: Development, factor structure, and initial validation of the difficulties in emotion regulation scale. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 26(1), 41-54
Endicott J, Nee J, Yang R, et al. Pediatric Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (PQ-LES-Q): reliability and validity. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry2006;45:401–7.
Success Stories
Rising Above OCD | Craig's Story
Craig says his struggle with OCD started in childhood. When he was an adult, everything in his home had to be in its place, which created tension in ... Read More
Next Steps
Nashotah Center for DBT Female Adolescent Residential Care
Residential care for female adolescents up to age 18.
Depression screening
A specialist will, at no charge, recommend the appropriate level of care over the phone.
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