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Co-Occurring Disorders

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Page Title

When you live with both mental health challenges and addiction, you may feel like no one understands what you are going through. Living with co-occurring conditions, often referred to as a dual diagnosis, can be incredibly difficult.

Rogers Behavioral Health knows what you are up against, and we want to support you. Our mental health treatment options offer personalized and compassionate care to help people like yourself.

Understanding Co-Occurring Disorders

Co-occurring disorders is the presence of one or more mental health conditions and a substance use disorder. These conditions often occur simultaneously, with one making the others worse. For example, an individual may turn to substance use as a way to cope with their PTSD and anxiety, leading to a cycle of self-medicating and worsening mental health. This is why it is crucial for individuals with co-occurring disorders to receive integrated treatment that addresses all the conditions at the same time.

Transforming Lives with Reliable and Compassionate Care

When you receive care at Rogers, you can benefit from a comprehensive scope of care that includes individual therapy, group therapy, and medication management, as well as additional treatment methods such as family sessions and recreational therapy.

Co-occurring disorders that are often treated along with addiction, include anxiety disorders, mood disorders, OCD, and trauma/PTSD.

Co-occurring Disorder Treatment Unique to You

We believe in treating you as a unique person. You are not defined by your addiction or mental health condition.

We use a variety of therapies, including:

After treatment, you can feel empowered to move forward while managing your mental health—without leaning on substances.

Levels of Care to Meet Your Needs

We offer a comprehensive continuum of care tailored to meet your needs through:   Need help determining what treatment or level of care is right for you? We are here to help guide you in which option is right for you during your free screening.  

Receive the Support You Deserve

Mental health challenges and addiction can hold you back from your full potential, but with treatment and support, you can overcome these obstacles and live a fulfilling life. Call Rogers Behavioral Health at 833.308.5887 or reach out online. Hope grows here.