Being involved during your loved one’s treatment at Rogers Behavioral Health can help them feel supported and make progress. Whether they’re in treatment or transitioning back home, we know it can be a challenging time for everyone. Friends and Family University is a Rogers program that provides education and opportunities to connect with each other.
Support Is Vital to Success
Through Friends and Family University, members of the treatment teams will discuss subjects specific to your loved one’s treatment. While specific topics may vary, some common ones include:
Understanding the nature of the mental health conditions your child lives with
Learning about treatment approaches and strategies that are used at Rogers
Discovering how to effectively communicate with your child in a supportive manner
Developing skills for managing stress and emotions related to your child’s condition
Building healthy boundaries and establishing self-care practices
By educating family and loved ones, Friends and Family University can help create a supportive environment for patients to continue their journey after treatment. It also allows for better understanding and communication within the family unit, leading to improved relationships and long-term progress.
Tools and Resources for Parents
Staying involved and learning more about your child’s treatment can help you support their long-term progress. At Family and Friends University for child and adolescent programs, you will learn parenting strategies and guidelines that impact your child’s progress. Some examples include:
Effectively communicating with your child, including validating, listening, being mindful, and emotion coaching
Distinguishing between parenting styles and how they can impact behavior
Behavior modification
Understanding that kids need parents to do their best in order for kids to do their best
Family symptom accommodation
Parenting practices to avoid
Identifying what’s important for children to be happy and successful in their wellness journey
Thought challenging and other cognitive skills
Knowing when it’s time to ask for more help
Child and Adolescent Treatment
Friends and Family University offers tailored support for those whose children are struggling with depression and other mood disorders, eating disorders, OCD, and anxiety.
Adult Treatment
For adults, contact your loved one’s treatment team to learn about availability.
A Stronger Family Unit, a Brighter Future
You and your family deserve a healthy, happy future. Contact us online or at 833.308.5887 to learn how you can empower your loved one so they can focus on the moments that matter.