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Primary Behavioral Health

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with more than one mental health condition? We understand how overwhelming that can be. Our primary behavioral health program is a personalized, group-based therapy program that could be the right fit for you. In fact, it may just transform your life.

Care to Elevate Your Wellness

Instead of treatment strategies that just address your primary diagnosis, primary behavioral health programs use therapies to address the core of your mental health, such as unhelpful coping styles and thought patterns that can make your symptoms more severe.

Our primary behavioral health program can help you with:

  • Lack of motivation
  • Avoiding obligations and activities
  • Trouble controlling emotions
  • Difficulty managing negative thoughts
  • Challenges with sleep
  • Issues maintaining healthy relationships

Our Process-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Process-based CBT is an effective way to treat multiple diagnoses. Primary behavioral health programming gives your provider the flexibility to target underlying causes of depression, anxiety, OCD, substance use disorders, and personality disorders, to help you build skills for long-term progress.

Skill development is guided by proven CBT strategies that are commonly shared across:

Our Primary Behavioral Health Programs

We provide both residential and outpatient programs for primary behavioral health. Making progress and moving forward—regardless of what mental health conditions you live with—should be the goal. Our primary behavioral health treatment program can help you spark real change for lasting improvement. We know you can do it, and we are here to help.

We Are Available Now

You deserve the best care possible. Call 833.308.5887 or reach out to us online for a free screening.

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Rogers Behavioral Health Intake & Screening Assistant