Rogers Behavioral Health

Wondering if you have an eating disorder?

Take a short quiz to find out.

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"Nuestro equipo se preocupa por su situación. Incluso si le cuesta tener esperanza, existe y queremos ayudarlo a que la encuentre. Hemos ayudado a miles de individuos con trastornos alimenticios a recorrer el camino hacia la resiliencia. No está solo. " 

Dr. Brad Smith
Director Médico de Trastornos Alimenticios

¡queremos ayudar!

Un trastorno alimenticio puede consumir sus ideas, reducir la confianza en sí mismo y eventualmente dañar su salud. Rogers Behavioral Health ofrece un tratamiento para trastornos alimenticios muy especializado; hay programas para hombres, mujeres, niños y adolescentes. Hemos ayudado a miles de individuos, hombres y mujeres. Estamos para ayudar.

Llame al 800-767-4411 o solicite un examen gratis.

Eating disorder quiz

Answer the questions completely and honestly. Your responses should reflect the way you feel now, not the way you wish to feel.
Remember, it is never too late to seek help.

The quiz below can help you decide if you behave in a way that demonstrates a tendency towards an eating disorder. While helpful, it is not intended to diagnose any particular eating disorder.

During the past month, have you:

1. Been preoccupied with your weight and/or the shape of your body?

2. Avoided eating certain foods due to fearing that something bad could happen to you?

3. Felt out of control over the amount of food you ate one or more times in a week?

4. Worried frequently about the nutritional content of different foods?

5. Felt intensely disgusted or anxious when looking at your body or seeing it in a mirror?

6. Frequently avoided eating because of disliking the taste, smell, or texture of foods?

7. Felt guilty or upset after eating an unusually large amount of food one or more times a week?

8. Intentionally made yourself vomit or exercise excessively to prevent gaining weight?

9. Been consistently anxious when eating food or drinking liquids?

10. Felt a need to check the appearance of your body often throughout the day?

Call 800-767-4411 or go to to request a free screening.