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Patient finds her voice at Rogers’ Herrington Center for Addiction Recovery

02/25/21 09:52:am

Adrienne had her first drink when she was fourteen, but says that the real drinking started in college, when she also began trying hard drugs.

“It was a horrible, horrible way to live,” she says. “I continued drinking and things started to get out of control.”

This continued until Adrienne decided to check herself into Herrington Center for Addiction Recovery, which she says gave her life back. “I try to give back as much as I can. I am a temporary sponsor to women in the house. If I can just help one person, that makes me so happy. I just want them to know that they’re not alone because addiction is a very lonely, lonely disease.”

She says that staying sober has made her a better “mother, daughter, friend, and all-around person” and she continues to put her sobriety first, no matter what.

Lynn Klosterman, a recovery support specialist and recovery coach at Herrington Recovery Center who worked with Adrienne while she was at Rogers, says “Adrienne is one of our speakers and strong alumni. One of her frequent quotes is ‘I have my life back and I owe it to Herrington, Now I want to give back.’ She has helped countless others since her stay and is a very strong support to the newcomers at Herrington in need of support.”

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