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Rogers creates TULIP Award for patient care team members, enhances One Rogers Award

09/14/23 04:30:pm

As part of an ongoing commitment to create a culture where teammates are recognized and rewarded for their dedication and hard work, Rogers is proud to announce the TULIP Award in addition to improvements for the One Rogers Award.

“Rogers leadership prioritizes creating a culture where teammates feel valued and seen for the hard work and dedication shown day in and day out to teammates, patients, and their families,” says Cindy Meyer, president and CEO.


Tulip logo.JPGRogers created the TULIP Award to recognize outstanding individuals who make a difference with our patients and their loved ones. TULIP stands for Thoughtful, Unforgettable, Lasting Impact on a Patient. Team members involved in patient care, including mental health technicians and milieu specialists, as well as Admissions intake specialists, can be nominated for the new award.

Each quarter, a committee will select one individual to be honored from the nominations. All nominees will be recognized. Honorees exemplify the following characteristics:

  • Goes out of their way to be considerate and respectful of your needs
  • Demonstrates kindness and compassion that you will always remember
  • Possesses exceptional skills to ensure you or your loved one has a life-changing experience

Click here to link to the TULIP nomination form. The first winner will be announced no later than January.

One Rogers Award

Based on employee feedback and leader input, Rogers is expanding the One Rogers Award to allow nominations by any team member and to make the recognition more meaningful and consistent across the System.

With nominations already underway, up to 22 One Rogers Award winners will be selected monthly and recognized across the System starting in October.

Teammates can nominate someone from any Rogers role who:

  • Embodies the spirit of One Rogers (promotes a culture of connectedness, builds and strengthens relationships with colleagues, fosters belonging and inclusion for all, and promotes a sense of team across levels of care, service lines, and locations.)


  • Is a problem solver! Identifies issues, shares good ideas, and supports improvement in department or system (MDI Just do its or big issues, led or participated in an RIE or project, is featured in One Page Wins, etc.)


  • Demonstrates one or more of Rogers’ Culture Agreements based on our values of excellence, accountability, and compassion in the care of our patients and each other.

OneRogerstrophy(1).pngWinners will receive:

  • A One Rogers trophy to keep
  • Choice of two clothing items that say One Rogers Award Winner
  • The chance to win a select parking space where applicable
  • Winners in Inpatient and Residential Services: five meals at Rogers cafes (Five $5 coupons)
  • Winners in Outpatient Services: a group lunch organized with the clinic director

You can nominate someone for a One Rogers Award here and find a link to the nomination form anytime on Rogers Connect.

Watch Insight for names of the winners each month.

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