Rogers celebrates the holidays, snowmen greet residential care team
01/20/21 11:50:amRogers teams celebrate the holiday season
It wasn’t a typical year, but Rogers teammates from across the country did their best to spread joy and have a fun holiday season. The slideshow shows photos from Oconomowoc’s spirit week, decorations in Atlanta and Hinsdale, food drives, virtual gatherings, and the return of Roger the clinical shenanigans supervisor in Silver Lake.
Dr. Fritz becomes Distinguished Fellow of APA
Congratulations to Dr. Alexander Fritz, DO, FAPA, on being elected to Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association!
The APA will hold the 2021 Convocation of Distinguished Fellows during their annual meeting in May, which is being held virtually.
Patients build snowmen to greet residential care team
Patients in adult Eating Disorder Recovery built two snowmen to greet their care team as they drove into work. The snowmen were created as part of a mindful moment therapy group.
Rogers Foundation brings holiday cheer
Spending the holidays in treatment instead of with family and friends can be disheartening, but each year the Rogers Behavioral Health Foundation works to help make the holidays memorable.
This year, the Foundation was able to collect donations for gifts from more than 20 organizations. In total, they provided gifts to more than 750 patients, coming from more than 50 separate programs. Gifts included gift cards, games, cozy blankets, socks, and coloring books.