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Oconomowoc social worker's compassionate and stigma free care earns Inspire award

02/26/19 03:12:pm

Inspire award.jpgThe latest Inspire Award has been presented to Ashley Altreuter, APSW, SAC-IT, social worker at the Silver Lake Outpatient Center, whose caring nature helped a patient continue the journey toward recovery.

Pat Hammer, president and CEO, picks each Inspire Award recipient by reviewing recognitions our team members earned each quarter. Those who win receive a certificate, Daymaker Inspire badge, and 5,000 Daymaker points.

The recognition, which was sent in by Dana Marlowe, MD, medical director of Herrington Center for Addiction Recovery, reads:

“I would like to recognize Ashley for the care and consideration she provided for a mutual patient in our Silver Lake Outpatient Center. The patient had recently relapsed. Ashley was non-judgmental and helped the patient find the continued care that she needed. Often when a patient relapses, they do not return to programming. In this case, Ashley had established such kind rapport that the patient was willing to come back to programming for a safe discharge and transfer to the level of care that she needed.” ~ Dana Marlowe

Ashley had this to say about receiving the Inspire award:

“I am extremely honored to have been presented the Inspire Award. I am beyond thankful to have a career that aligns with my passion and to have been recognized by Rogers for my compassion, attitude, clinical and patient care effectiveness and the overall dedication I continue to provide to my patients!”

Visit the Daymaker recognition system to show appreciation for your fellow team members.

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