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Healthcare Heroes at Rogers highlighted by coworkers

04/27/20 02:22:pm

heros.jpgIn these times of uncertainty, one thing has remained constant – the impressive drive of our team to help those suffering from mental health and addiction. People are invited to recognize their teammates as healthcare heroes by sharing their story on Rogers Connect.

We’ve assembled a few recent submissions below. If you would like to recognize a healthcare hero at Rogers, please email Kathryn.Zapfel@rogersbh.org with your submission text.

Bob Jagla

“Bob is one of our exceptional gardeners, who has helped to give ET ideas for programming in the gardens for years. This year, as we in ET started hearing of how our lives and activities at Rogers was going to need to change to keep us all safe, I reached out to Bob for ideas that the residents could do around the gardens and green house to help occupy and engage them in healthy leisure. Not only did Bob do just that by bringing more ideas to the ET department for groups and offering educational material for free time groups, but he also began offering educational groups to our HRC residents every weekend. He reached out to them to find out what they were interested in learning about and did so in an engaging way. I have heard so many comments about this group and the benefits they see in it, I can’t remember them all. But a few that stand out “wow, I never knew how enjoyable and informational this would be. I’ve never done anything like this before.”, “I can see how this would really help my anxiety.” “I can’t wait to get to my gardens at home.” And those were just from the first weekend. As social distancing became more and more important, the Green house could no longer hold as many residents that wanted to attend these seminars. Instead limited how many could attend, Bob offered more times for people to come. Although, there were scheduling errors (due to my mistakes) in the beginning that we needed to work through, Bob was on top of things and was able to make sure these residents continued to get this opportunity. He has really stepped up to make our resident’s weekends special. With all of the limitations our HRC residents have had in the past three weeks, he was willing to offer something special for them on the weekends and not just for a time filler but he has been offering them skills, knowledge, and a love for nature that they will take with them and be able to use as they explore the new sober world that waits for them. Thanks to Bob, I really do not think he realizes how important his work is and how much the residents have appreciated it! He is truly a Rogers Hero!” - Deana Grall

Haiyan Wang

“Dr. Wang is a healthcare hero and I knew it from the first time I met her. While she was going through orientation in Nashville, I discovered that she had spent her recent vacation arranging PPE to be shipped to Wuhan in the time of their crisis to friends and colleagues, as this is where Dr. Wang went to medical school. Now, she is not only now an integral part of our Los Angeles medical staff, but she has arranged for critical PPE to be shipped from a nonprofit to Rogers in Wisconsin so our staff on inpatient and residential units are safe. Additionally, she is currently working on getting ventilators, hazmat suits, masks and shields sent to a New York hospital in desperate need. She is a model for all of us to follow in helping our fellow healthcare workers!” -Dr. Stephanie Eken

Rhonda Pyle, nurse, West Allis

“Nurse Rhonda Pyle has been a ray of sunshine in these gloomy past few days. Her “can do” attitude is always appreciated. When faced with a task or challenge Rhonda’s response is NOT “why” or “how,” but rather “let’s do this.” Our team can always count on Rhonda getting the job done. Teamwork, flexibility and reliability are just a few of the strengths Rhonda offers. Rhonda is also an excellent clinician, quick to build rapport and advocate for both her patient and families, ensuring the highest delivery of patient care. Thank you Rhonda for all you do! You are amazing.” -Maggie Krueger, operations manager PHP/IOP, West Allis

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