Employee feedback brings changes to Rogers
07/06/17 05:02:pmTaking the employee survey is a distant memory for many, but the resulting action plans should be visible throughout Rogers.
Here are a few of the changes that came about because of the post-survey action plans:
To improve engagement, recognition, and communication, the Admitting department is holding daily huddles to discuss any new info, review metrics and recognize team members. Admitting staff are part of a monthly drawing from the staff recognitions with the winner getting a prize. In addition, Utilization review employees also completed another more detailed survey to share what is meaningful to them when it comes to recognition in order to give department leaders a better understanding of the team’s preferences. Also, to open lines of communication and collaboration across departments, Admitting and Utilization Review managers are attending monthly meetings for other departments such as the managers meeting for residential programs and inpatient units.
Clinical and administrative leadership in Kenosha worked together to improve communication related to new admissions to ensure staffing was appropriate to patient acuity. Staff members from inpatient units were also involved in this communication to ensure understanding of capabilities on a satellite campus.
Nursing staff on the Oconomowoc campus started a newsletter called “Rodge Lodge.” Twelve editors from various job roles within the nursing department creatively compile an array of informational, educational and inspirational briefs intended to keep staff up to speed and engaged. The monthly newsletter is also a way of welcoming employees who are just joining Rogers or recognizing those who have had a significant accomplishment. The articles reinforce key Rogers values such as teamwork and respect for our patients, families and co-workers.
Clinical leaders in residential units are recognizing exceptional efforts in team emails and directly with individuals. Those who’ve been recognized are eligible for a prize in a monthly drawing.
Rogers Memorial Hospital Foundation is offering relevant professional development opportunities for a non-clinical team and covering memberships in professional fundraising associations. The department is also increasing frequency and types of recognition for team members.
To facilitate positive two-way communication and collaboration between leadership and staff and increase management presence on inpatient and residential units, nursing leadership will begin rounding on all shifts and days. Reporting mechanisms will be in place to quickly identify and address any barriers identified by the staff and leaders during these rounds.
If you have questions about what’s included in your site’s action plan, be sure to ask your manager. You’ll have the chance to take another employee survey this fall.