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Rogers teammates share how they practice self-care

06/05/24 01:00:pm

To be at our best in caring for others, it’s critical that we also take care of ourselves.

“Self-care involves the basic things we need to do so to be able to function at top effectiveness, whether that’s at home, at work, as a friend, employee, or parent,” says Elizabeth Shaw, therapist, West Allis in a recent blog. “It’s as essential as going to the dentist, changing my clothes, and eating.”

She recommends practicing self-care on a regular basis.

“Self-care is not a treat I reward myself with after I’ve done a good job at something,” she explains. “It can’t be at the bottom of my to-do list that I may or may not get to after I’ve done a hundred other things.”

Practically speaking, what does self-care look like? From surfing and gardening, yoga and mindfulness, to singing and dancing, hundreds of Rogers’ team mates recently shared their creative go to practices for well-being. We hope you find some ideas to try for yourself below!

“My go to for well-being would be spending time with my wife and enjoying her company. I also love to fish and travel within the state of Wisconsin to see the sights.” ~ Brandon Liebergen, Supportive Living Coordinator, Sheboygan

“Taking a walk outside and listening to music or reading a book while hanging with my pet.” ~ Becky Espiritu, therapist, Nashville

“My go-to practice for well-being is laughter. Whether that’s making myself or someone else laugh, a moment shared over genuine laughter is always one that I cherish.” ~ Stephanie, behavioral health technician, San Diego

“I like being around people with a good sense of humor as I like to laugh, and that is a great stress reliever for me.” ~ Kim Nokes-Stenz, RN, Appleton

“Nature… and being a kid! Playing with my kids and doing the things they love that I too loved as a kid is so much fun and allows me to take a step back and just enjoy life, as a little kid does.” ~ Hannah Schroeder, psychiatrist, Oconomowoc

“Singing (loudly and off-key) in the car when I am by myself!” ~ Michelle Young, clinical services supervisor, St. Paul

“My go-to practice is either doing landscaping work or working on crafts. I enjoy repurposing old furniture or taking architectural salvage and turning it into something new and usable.” ~ Josh O’Reilly, maintenance technician, Oconomowoc

“I love staying connected to God and our relationship, listening to music, planting flowers/gardens, and riding my Harley Davidson motorcycle.” ~ Curtis Mallory, food services director, Brown Deer

“Tackling a new home improvement project is my go to for taking my mind off troubling issues and into a place where I can improve my personal skills/abilities/knowledge and create beauty at the same time.” ~ Stacey Basile, Marketing and Communications manager, Foundation

“I love learning, and right now I’m taking a pottery class. It is incredibly difficult, messy, and fun.” ~ Gretchen Sullivan, director of operations, Seattle

“My go-to practice for well-being is a combination of yoga and meditation. These practices are not just for being physically fit, but also to calm my mind. Through yoga, I find strength, flexibility, and balance, both physically and mentally, whereas meditation allows me to be calm and achieve mindfulness. Together, yoga and meditation help to achieve the overall well-being in my daily life.” ~ Sreya Vadapalli, research assistant, Oconomowoc

“Can’t go wrong with jazz!” ~ Tina Willard, clinical services supervisor, Atlanta

“Engaging with my emotions in atypical ways, ala singing karaoke.” ~ Chad Wetterneck, PhD, clinical director, Trauma Recovery Services

“Self-care, especially after a stressful day at work, making time to take care of myself by showering, putting on a show, eating a good meal, and doing my favorite skincare/self-care routine is essential.” ~ Jordan Easterlin, mental health technician, Oconomowoc

“My go-to practice for self-care is fishing in the many lakes and rivers in Wisconsin.” ~ John Widish, therapist, Oconomowoc

“Birding – it’s a never-ending scavenger hunt.” ~ Lisa Morrow, operations manager, West Allis

“Creating! I’m an art therapist, so I must practice what I preach! Also, foraging.” ~ Lacie Timm, experiential therapist, Oconomowoc

“Writing and performing sketch comedy. It helps me to look at life’s challenges differently and affords me the opportunity to activate my creativity.” ~ Stacy Babl, Chief Human Resources Officer

“Dancing.” ~ both Sonia Izmirian, clinical director, Denver, and Michael Simpson, behavioral specialist, San Diego

“Crochet is my go-to practice. It is a calming practice that helps me center.” Breannah Funk, education specialist, Los Angeles

“Sunday church at Alliance Church in Appleton or the gym.” ~ Lisa Peters, community relations liaison, Appleton

“Prayer” ~ both Ed Ornelas, float behavioral specialist, Oconomowoc, and Amy Rusell, intake screener, Oconomowoc

“I work out 4x a week - resistance training. This balances mood states, enhances my concentration, and increases my sleep duration.” ~ Katie Schwebs, behavioral specialist, Oconomowoc

“A sweet treat after a hard day or playing volleyball with my friends.” ~ Mariah Ramirez, therapist, Tampa

“Volunteering at local animal shelter.” ~ Sally Washick, cloud engineer

“New York Times Connections puzzle or Legos!” ~ September Casteel, senior director of operations, Service Area B

“Going out to dinner and being a ‘foodie’!” ~ Adrianne McCullars, regional executive director of Clinical Services

“Taking time to reflect on the ‘wins’ of each day! ~ Sam Favre, insurance follow up specialist

“I carve out time for me each night, and it looks different on any given day. Sometimes, I watch shows that bring me joy (such as Glee), sometimes I do my nails, or go out and get a beverage or snack, or I wander around thrift stores and end up buying nothing. The important part is that I am there for me.” ~ Lisa Kerr, teacher, West Allis

“Getting outside! Camping or picking up new activities (I recommend surfing!)” ~ Gene Yang, psychiatrist, San Francisco

“Creating personal space with solitude for reflection and recovery. Typically, this involves coffee/tea, artistic expression (music-making, crafting), and/or exercise.” ~ . Amy McCausland, therapist, Skokie

“Swimming. Extremely mindful to be in the water, whether it’s an ocean or swimming pool.” M.J. Kramer, medical director, Trauma Recovery Services, Oconomowoc

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