Our Experts

Melissa Stoffel, MS, LPC

Manager of Operations, Focus Depression Recovery Adolescent Residential Care, OCD, Anxiety, and Depression Center Adolescent Residential Care

Melissa Stoffel, MS, LPC, is a licensed counselor at Rogers in Oconomowoc, where she serves as manager, operations for two adolescent residential care programs: Focus Depression Recovery and the OCD, Anxiety, and Depression Center. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, and received her Master of Science in Community Counseling from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.

Melissa’s passion is ‚Äúworking with adolescents and their families to help build skills that can be used throughout their life,‚Äù she says.¬†‚ÄúFamilies play a vital role in treatment and our goal is to maximize their involvement through family sessions and regular participation in Parent University.‚Äù

“Our programs work to empower each adolescent to build on their strengths, participate in valued activities to improve mood, and actively learn and practice healthy coping skills to enhance their lives.” 


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